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Research Projects

Research Projects

(this project has ended)

BluScreen LogoBluNote Message

One of the goals of pervasive computing is to knit computers, sensors, etc within the fabric of the building or environment. Yet one of the oldest means of communication in an office environment is through leaving a note on the door. However, there is always the concern that the note can be removed, or viewed by everyone.

Generating BluNotes

BluNotes is a project that explores ways of leaving e-notes; electronic notes that can be displayed on the door. By targetting an e-note for a specific recipient, the message can be presented on a display when the recipient is nearby, and then hidden when the recipient leaves. It explores the use of situated displays, and identification of everyday ubiquitous devices, such as bluetooth enabled phones or PDAs.

BluNotes was recently featured in a BBC South Today News bulletin (24Mb); this clip was taken from a longer bulletin (76Mb) that also included details on mSpace.

Type: Normal Research Project
Research Groups: Information: Signals, Images, Systems Research Group, Grid and Pervasive Computing Group
Theme: Agent Based Computing
Dates: 1st July 2005 to 1st July 2008

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    Principal Investigators

    • trp

    Other Investigators

    • Matt Sharifi
    © School of Electronics and Computer Science of the University of Southampton