This is now an inactive research group it's members have moved on. You can find them at their new research groups:


Historically, we were interested in automatic face recognition, developing in particular new to find and describe the eyes in face images. This work has now pretty well finished due to our interests in newer biometrics: gait and ears.

We are well known for our work in automatic gait recognition, which is now where many of our students apply their new moving-feature extraction and description techniques. The advantages of using gait as a biometric are that it is non-contact and sequence based. It has recently created a considerable amount of media interest (in national and international TV, radio and the press).

Recently, we have been working on automatic ear recognition, where we develop a unique signature from the image of an ear (it has its own unique advantages). Even more recently we have moved to multibiometric data fusion, to use one biometric to reinforce the recognition by another.

© School of Electronics and Computer Science of the University of Southampton