Nonlinear Adaptive Control

We are concerned with controlling uncertain nonlinear systems via adaptive techniques. We are particularly interested in evaluating the performance of adaptive controllers, and comparing them against eg. robust designs. This has involved developing techniques which allow lower and upper bound estimates to be made of eg. LQ performance. Uniquely in adaptive control theory, we are accounting for the control effort in the cost.

Our original focus of attention is in controlling systems containing significant static functional uncertainties (as opposed to the more standard set-up where the uncertainties considered are parametric). The approach considered involves the introduction of function approximators for on-line modelling of the static uncertainties. We have developed a framework for describing the classes of uncertainties for which such controls are valid -- contrasting to the robust theory, uncertainties are measured by spatial L2 weighted norms contrasting to usual static uncertainty models which are formed by pointwise bounds.

The interest in performance arose as we tried to quantify which function approximator structures are `best'. This wonderfully ill-posed question is very rich. Currently we have been able to exhibit some structures whose associated LQ performance scales badly as the resolution of the approximator is increased, and also to construct controllers and approximator structures which scale well. Unfortunately, the class of approximator based controllers scale poorly includes some of the standard designs.

Our focus of attention is now on using the framework developed for addressing the above question to compare the performances of more classical designs.

Further details can be found on Mark French's homepage, see also his publication page.

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